DoseIt Web App Screens (v2)

6 screens

Medical info_dosages5-1

Medical info_dosages5-1
Splash & Disclosure on page, and NOT in popup app


Medical info_dosages5-2 Choose AGE, GENDER and SIZE on single screen. Next button color red when not active

Medical info_dosages5-2
Choose AGE, GENDER and SIZE on single screen.
Next button color red when not active


Medical info_dosages5-2 Choose AGE, GENDER and SIZE on single screen. Next button color orange when active

Medical info_dosages5-2
Choose AGE, GENDER and SIZE on single screen.
Next button color orange when active


Medical info_dosages5-4 Confirmation screen

Medical info_dosages5-4
Confirmation screen


Medical info_dosages5-5 Results page, including a RESET button, which clears any data committed to browser memory and takes user back to first screen of popup (select age, gender, size)

Medical info_dosages5-5
Results page, including a RESET button, which clears any data committed to browser memory and takes user back to first screen of popup (select age, gender, size)